13 Laws of Psychological Power

Peter Ruf
4 min readFeb 12, 2021

It doesn’t matter if you want to climb up the career ladder or just want to improve day-to-day conversations. Robert Greene author of many bestselling books gives insight on strategy, power, and seduction. The following laws are just some of the techniques he is covering. I think some of the recommendations are on the edge of unethical behavior or even manipulative. People should never solely focus on their own gains. Nevertheless, some of these tips should be helpful in a wide variety of situations.

Image by Comfreak from Pixabay

1. Stand above

A good work ethic and the long hours of work that go with it are often not enough to get the promotion you want and most certainly deserve. The people that gain power and success in their personal and professional life are the ones that work hard, but also get recognized for their efforts. Take any chance to prove yourself and to lead.

2. Hide your intention

If you are negotiating for example about the price of the car and the salesperson knows exactly that this is the only car that you would be willing to buy because you love it so much, what do you think would happen? The salesperson knows that you are probably willing to pay a higher price since, for you, no other car will satisfy you anyways. This means the salesperson is leading the negotiation, you do not have the power. If he doesn’t know this fact, he is in charge to convince YOU to buy it and most likely will give you a discount. Hold the power in every exchange, keep your inner intentions to yourself.

3. Actions over arguments

Winning an argument mostly doesn’t achieve much. As Samuel Butler (1612–1680) already said:

“He that complies against his will,

Is of his own opinion still.

Which he may adhere to, yet disown,

For reasons to himself best known”

If somebody wants to argue, just let them argue. Since actions speak louder than words, instead of arguing, win people to your way of thinking by simply doing.

4. Mind your words

If you only speak when necessary or when you actually have to add something valuable into a conversation, this will increase the power of your words. People will learn to take you seriously and listen to you. It also decreases the chances of saying something you might regret afterward. Every word should be intentional and purposeful.

5. Cultivate confidence

People will tell you that you don’t have what it takes. Try to master the thought that you are the only person that you have to make proud. Let your small successes cheer you up, treat and motivate yourself as often as possible. Be proud of your achievements and gain confidence in yourself.

6. People are selfish

If you need a favor, don’t expect people to be selfless. If the other party does not gain more than they give, they are likely to help you. Don’t just expect kindness and gratitude. The next time when asking for a favor, appeal to their self-interest. Show them how they are going to benefit from working with you in the long-run.

7. Avoid commitments

Avoid unnecessary promises. Powerful people avoid commitments and stay open to various perspectives and sides. These people are only committed to one person, to themselves. They are much more likely to have one foot in every camp to set up their tent in only one).

8. Play yourself down

Everyone wants to feel special and intelligent. The next time you want to win people over, make sure they feel smart, even if it doesn’t mean to play dumb. This just only strengthens the fact that you have nothing to prove. But by convincing other people that you are more intelligent than them, this would make them feel inferior.

9. Support your superiors

If you want to climb up the ladder, respect the ladder. Don’t try to outplay the people above you, these will be stepping stones in your career. You need their help so don’t turn your superior into your enemy. Be their right hand and support them. Because, when a promotion comes around, they will promote their allies, not their enemies.

10. Stay concentrated

To find psychological power, it is not enough to identify your strengths, you have to develop them. Specialize in what you are good at, this is a concept which many self-improvement books will tell you, like the 80/principle by Richard Koch.

11. Effortless achievement

Tell people your achievements are easy for you. Even if you invested countless hours in your work, show confidence by playing down your efforts. In the end, again, you are the only one that you want to impress and you know how hard you have worked.

12. Set anger aside

Do never lose your temper, anger makes you seem impulsive, narrow-minded, and selfish. Instead of anger seek distance, this won’t show any weaknesses that people could exploit, and is often more mature to just step aside and calm yourself before moving on in an argument. Keep your frustrations to yourself whenever possible.

13. The calm rush

The most powerful people are masters of timing and time management. They never let their busy days get the best of them. Instead of letting time control you, stay in control of your time.

In summary:

  1. Stand above

2. Hide your intention

3. Actions over arguments

4. Mind your words

5. Cutivate confidence

6. People are selfish

7. Avoid commitments

8. Play yourself down

9. Support your superiors

10. Stay concentrated

11. Effortless achievement

12. Set anger aside

13. The calm rush

inspired by Robert Greene and TopThink



Peter Ruf

Just documenting my learning journey. Psychology, Minimalism, Marketing & Self Improvement.